A Primal Breed Full of Soulful Love
“Fierce as a Samurai, Gentle as a kitten”
“Gentle when stroked, Fierce when provoked”
“Tender in heart and Strong in strength"
Newcomers to your home will be judged, it’s their territory after all that these strangers are entering. Some will get the happy Hi-5 straight up, while others take a bit of sussing out first. It is wise to air on the side of caution with new comers to your home, observe & know your dog’s signals (& remember they are also watching yours). They like their personal space as much as us, their family may be welcome into it, but not strangers... often indifferent with strangers at first, but once accepted as part of ‘their pack’, they may then enter the “inner circle of trust”. Children – young or teens, need to be reminded of personal space boundaries for their own safety, and trained themselves how to behave around all dogs, even their own too. Do you like waking up with some strangers face just an inch from yours? I’d be baring my teeth too. It is great to see many schools taking part in programs where an expert talks and teaches this to the children in a fun way that they will remember, often with a special four legged friend tagging along.
Obedience training, setting boundaries & socialization, from an early age, for this breed is not an option. It is a necessity! They need to know who the *pack leader is - & it MUST be you! *please see note below.
It is a priority to learn these methods, set firm boundaries, be consistent, & to become the respected leader... and then... Maintain your title! These persistent doggies like to keep checking in if you’re still up to the job, especially whilst they are teenagers. (Sound familiar parents??) Your breeder, and a reputable local trainer that understands dominant spitz breed dogs and balanced methods in training, are here to help – our loving Akita’s thrive attending classes, often topping their training classes. This is also a fun time to bond and socialize your new family member in the big wide world. The reward in return, is a love and companion like no other. A well trained JAI is a pure joy to have in your life.
*NOTE – In respect to the Numerous Methods of Training and Individual Perceptions – All references of being the Alpha/Pack Leader/Resource Controller/Top Dog/#1 etc etc for the purpose of this article is all one and the same...But is it? This is another Topic we also touch on under our Training, Health and Care Link. Coming Soon!
AKIHO – The Akita Inu Hozonkai was founded in Odate, the Akita Prefecture in 1927 and is the longest standing Akita Inu organisation in history. The Japanese Kennel Club (JKC) standard that is the basis for FCI Akita standard, and what ANKC uses, and is required for exports, is based on AKIHO standards. The AKIHO standard in comparison, delves a little deeper into what is truly desired and appreciated by breeders and enthusiasts around the world. While not considered eliminating faults, there is a criteria that will give dogs a more superior result in the ring at an AKIHO show.
Japanese Akita inu